
Friday, May 21, 2010

"Letters to Juliet"

“Letters to Juliet” is the story of one girl’s discovery of a letter in Verona, the home of Romeo and Juliet, and the adventure that unfolds afterword. Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) discovers a letter written more than 50 years ago by a woman named Claire seeking Juliet’s advice. She is so inspired by the letter that she writes back to the woman, prompting the two of them (along with the woman’s grandson, Charlie) to search for Claire’s long-lost love. The movie is definitely the ultimate chick-flick – predictable and somewhat cheesy, yet still very sweet and romantic. Amanda Seyfried is charming as the very romantic Sophie, while Christopher Egan, who plays Charlie, adds some humor to a movie that may have otherwise been just a little TOO cheesy. This movie will definitely inspire some trips to Italy, with its beautiful setting and scenery. “Letters to Juliet” is definitely the kind of movie that will make you go “Awwww” and want to cuddle up with your significant other. Ladies, drag your boyfriends if you can, but I should warn you - they probably won’t enjoy it much if they’re anything like mine. Still, this is definitely one of those movies you’ll enjoy more with your significant other than you would with your girlfriends (even if they’d be more willing to come along!) Watch the preview here.

Tell me, do you plan on seeing the movie? And if you’ve already seen it, what’d you think?


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