Ok everyone! Right now I'm trying to decide where in Europe I want to go while I'm here, and how I should get there. Whether you've spent time abroad (and I know lots of you have!) or not, I need some advice!
Here's the situation! I'll be here for a total of 13 weeks. For the most part, I can only travel on the weekends since I'm taking classes/working. I also need to travel as cheaply as possible, but still be safe! Finally, the only languages I speak are English and French, so I need to be able to at lest get by. So, questions:
1. Where should I go??? And what should I do there?? Although I have a few ideas, I'd love to know the places you've been that you'd love to go back to, or any places you're dying to visit for the first time!
2. What's the best way to get there? Train, plane, bus? I've looked into prices, but it's hard to figure out what way is the best/cheapest. Also, would you recommend some sort of Eurorail pass?
3. Where should I stay? I'm looking at staying at hostels since that seems to be the cheapest, so if you have recommendations on any I'd really appreciate it!
Thanks guys!
Best museums : magritte museum http://www.musee-magritte-museum.be
If you know the tintin comics : musee herge http://www.museeherge.com/
As for the language, in the flemish part, most of the people will be able to assist you in English don't hesitate to ask, most of us are glad to help.
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