
Monday, January 31, 2011

Weird things about Belgium

It's so strange how it's the little things at surprise you the most while you're abroad. Here are just a few of the unusual things I've encountered while I've been here (I have a feeling this will be an ongoing list):

1. They don't refrigerate milk in the supermarket. Weird, I know. Almost all the milk is sold in cardboard cartons on the shelves and doesn't expire until July. And yes, there's a taste difference from all those preservatives that must be in there.
2. They also don't refrigerate eggs, as seen in the picture above.
3. You have to "rent" shopping carts (which are all locked up) by depositing a coin in a machine, which apparently you get back one you return it. I guess there's some sort of shopping cart thievery problem here.
4. The doors on the subway don't open automatically. The first time I tried to get off I ended up standing there looking like an idiot waiting for it to open before I eventually followed someone out a different door. The second time around I realized you have to push a button.
5. It is acceptable for men to wear tacky, oversized sweaters. And leather pants.

What about you? What were some of the strange things you found in other countries?


Unknown said...

In Spain there are certain food items you cannot eat together because it is considered back luck. For instance if you eat fruit for breakfast you cannot drink milk..its one or the other.

a said...

I actually like number 3. It forces people to return their carts so they're not in parking spots or on random islands. It also means the store doesn't have to hire some poor guy to go and collect the carts throughout the day.

Kelly said...

Ohhhh haha I didn't even think about that. Makes sense though!!

CachingMoose said...

For the milk, it doesn't contain presevervatives. It's heat treated 'gepasteuriseerd' to prevent it from going sour quickly.
So have no fear for the milk ;-)

Kelly said...

Ohhh ok, thanks for the tip!!

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