
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So, this post is really late. Like, several weeks late. I promise though, I'm really trying to catch up on these posts! One of these days I'll actually post about something within a few days of it actually happening. Anyway...

My overall feelings about Rome? Loved it. Absolutely, completely, loved it. I'm not sure if it was because of the city itself or the fact that the weather was so incredibly perfect, but Rome is by far one of the best places I've visited. I could definitely see what Elizabeth Gilbert was talking about in "Eat Pray Love." There's just something so wonderfully lovely about the city.

Unfortunately, I was only there for one full day, so I had to squeeze a week's worth of site seeing into just a few hours. I bought a map in the city that had a list of the Top 12 places to see in Rome. In a little over 12 hours, I managed to see 11 of them. My favorite by far though was the Trevi Fountain. I even went back later on to see it lit up at night. So, so, so beautiful. There was just something about it. Of course, the rest if the city was amazing as well, and I can't wait to hopefully go back one day!

What about you? What would you like to see in Rome??


Kelly said...

Mmmm, pizza. I definitely consumed my fair share of it there haha

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